Friday, April 15, 2011

Take your Vitamins!

So I have a new remedy for a lot of skin issues. Vitamin E.

I just discovered using liquid Vitamin E for just about anything!

Pimples. Dry/Cracked lips. Under eye Wrinkles. Eczema. Mosquito bites. Scars. You name it, it seems to work MAGIC!
I know you are thinking, Oil on a pimple? But Yes, I swear it works.

'Used externally in a liquid or oil, vitamin E may have some benefits for healing wounds, scars and stretch marks but this is not scientifically proven. It is actually vitamin E's antioxidant properties when used internally that help to maintain healthy skin and to improve the appearance of acne and scars. '

In high school, I was in a pretty bad sledding accident, flipped off an inner tube and landed face first on to ice and rocks, it was pretty bad. Someone recommended I use liquid vitamin E on my face as soon as I could, so I used it religiously while my face was healing. And to this day, I may be scarred mentally but thank goodness not visibly!

All thanks to Vitamin E.

I get mine at Whole Foods for $5 or so...Home Health Brand.

Off to put my Vitamin E on my chapped lips...