Wednesday, May 5, 2010

3 Stain removing tips for my fellow fashionistas

Ok gals I have some great suggestions for cleaning stains from your favorite clothes....Did you know that if you get an oil stain say from salad dressing or chicken au jus splashing on your fab new top, you can put Baby Powder on it and it will pull the oil out of the fabric. Now this only works if you haven't already tried the water and club soda trick first, just leave the stain until you get home and put the baby powder on it and leave over night. Then dry clean or wash.
So next is a crazy one but true...did you know that your very own saliva will take out a blood stain? Lets say you prick your finger adding that fab new flower pin on your cotton white eyelet dress and you get a lil blood on your dress. yep, just spit on it and watch the saliva start to remove that lil prick.
I'll leave you with this one...AND I JUST found this out from one of my favorite customers...You know how after you wear your favorite tops and wash them a few times, nothing seems to remove the sweat odor? Well I do! I have had to throw out dozens of favorite t's or work out clothes because of this...WELL, get this, VINEGAR removes the odor once and for all. Dilute vinegar with water say 1/3 of vinegar and rest water...spray on the underarm area and wash. It completely removes the odor! AMAZING! I wish I had known this 10 years ago!?!

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