Thursday, January 6, 2011

I spot the sun

If you are like me, you may be starting to see the effects of laying in the sun with abandon. You know the 'baby oil' days!?

Of course I no longer use baby oil and I know all the hazards of laying out on the beach, but I still enjoy being in the sun.

Well in the last few years, I've started getting sun spots on my face. When I noticed them in photos of myself, my vanity started screaming at me to do something about it.

I tried a number of other products without results such as Clarins Bright Plus that promised age spot removal until I found this one...

The 'special sauce' I use for removing sun spots is from MURAD called Age Spot and Pigment Lightening Gel.

Here's the deal, you must use this stuff ONLY in the winter when your face is not in the hot sun. It is 2% Hydroquinone skin lightener, which to be honest smells a bit potent, but this stuff works!
I used it directly on my cheek morning and night and within a few weeks it began to sting just a bit, then itch a tad, then start to flake off. And poof!

The sun spot that had been following me around in every picture, was out of my life!

I personally adore being in the sun and having sun kissed skin, but 'Debby Downer' says the reality is its going to start effecting our skin in ways like sun spots and the C word....

For now, here is my personal remedy.

See ya on the beach with sun screen in hand and a Yoga Journal!

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