Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Maxi to the rescue

Ok so I have been questioning if I should do this blog post or not and I mentioned it to friends and they felt I should go for it!? So here goes....

Do you sweat a lot in your clothes to the point where it can get embarrassing?

When you are wearing heels or flats do your feet tend to sweat?

Well, here is another use for your thin maxi-pads...Stick them into the underarms of your dresses, shirts, jackets! Or your shoes!

I know its a crazy thought right? But it works like a charm!

I've tried every deodorant under the sun and the simple fact is that I sweat when I work. I have tried disposable dress shields and they seem to just disintegrate during one use. I have even tried the roll on deodorant that prevents you from sweating, but that made me concerned for my health.

I've tried baby powder and various other inserts into my shoes but at the end of the day....The good old thin maxi pad seems to work best.

Give it a try, you'll be amazed!


  1. I'm wearing a blouse with dress shields right now. They are great. but the price is way too high! I'm going to give your tip a go right away.

    Do you trim the pads to any particular shape when you use them as dress shields?

    Also, I never thought about maxi pads in shoes! That is genius and perfect for summer.

    1. Hi Reader!

      I am so sorry for my delay in responding, I had no idea I had comments on my blog!?
      I actually do not trim the maxi pad, I just buy the shorter ones for tops and longer/slender ones for my shoes.
      Thanks for reading!

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