Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Confidence. It is all in how you dress!

Last night I realized as the clock got closer to 6:30pm, one of my dress designs was hanging there waiting to be put on to go to a Holiday party at the White House by a client of mine!

Whoa. This is truly a moment in time and a huge highlight in my career. I needed to bask in the moment.
And because of some wild karma going on, this is actually the second dress in ONE week that has been selected from my collection to be worn for an event being hosted by the Obama's!
A wish come true? Absolutely! Pinch me? Definitely!

From what I have heard so far, my client that went last week had the pleasure of a photo op with the Obama's and got to walk through a beautifully decorated White House.

So here's my take away from being asked to dress 2 fabulous women for a 6:30pm Holiday Reception at The White House:

The event invite, which, by-the-way, was an extremely formal embossed heavy paper invite, DID NOT in fact state the dress code for an event at the WH.
What? I know right, a White House invitation with no dress code listed??
So how do you find out how to dress for your WH event?
Well you call the White House and they connect you to the Social Office messaging center to get further information. The gal on the message states to call x number to leave you and your guests full name and social security number and then, at the VERY end of a rather long message, she finally states that the attire will be: BUSINESS.

BUSINESS? At 6:30pm, at a Holiday party at the White House, where you will get to MEET and take a picture with the Prez. and F.L.O.T.U.S.?

Yes. Business.

Ok so Business attire to me means a very nice SUIT because most likely you are coming from WORK. But Business attire for a WHITE HOUSE Holiday party is a whole another level of dressing, don't you think? And neither of my clients were coming from work!

Neither of these 2 FAB ladies wanted to wear a suit?! And a floor length black tie event it was not, so where does that leave you?
So after MUCH debate, we decide it was more than appropriate to wear a DRESS. But a Dress that is COCKTAIL LENGTH ONLY.
In there 40's, with 3+ kids, both women have svelte figures and can luckily can pull off anything at all so I/we went with a fancy cocktail length dress in holiday colors such as deep red satin, and Chantilly black french lace with deep red silk taffeta underneath. Both ironically went strapless. More power to them!
The dresses looked right, appropriate and they felt beautiful, comfortable and most importantly confident!

Each women said to me that she wanted to look more curvy in her dress, so we padded the bras as much as possible and kept the dresses slightly a-line at the hem to create a curve in their silhouette. Fitted at the waist with a 3+ inch heel, they both set off for their exciting event in Washington D.C.

So my overall take away.
If you are unclear on how to dress for an event, I personally feel it is always better to be OVER dressed than under dressed. Dress UP rather than in a more casual direction. You will always feel confident in something you look good in. And ultimately it will create a more powerful energy around you.

Here are three items that always increase my confidence levels when I need to dress for an important meeting or a special occasion. Not necessarily worn together but 3 separate items to wear at any giving time.
A pencil skirt which falls just below my knee that has a hair of stretch for comfort.
A blazer that fits across my back and arms well, never fails to help me to feel strong and clear headed.
And lastly, I am forever in a pair of shoes, heels or boots I can power walk to my event in.

Confidence can always be found in well fitted clothing.

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