Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Fashion Festivus, don't let it get the best of us

gifts extraordinaire: fender amp, jersey Tobi dress/Tasa earrings/vintage bracelet at Cibeline

Here it is cool cats, whether you look forward to it or dread it, the Holiday "shopping season" is upon us.
So the question is, are you the "perfect" one who has it all done by Turkey day or do you wait until Dec 23rd to run frantically around town shopping for 2 days straight?

OR are you the one who shops continually over the course of several months or through out the year and select random things which you are drawn to knowing someone in your life will enjoy it more than you and then pull it out when the time is right and say "OH so and so would probably love this!"

Can you guess which "one" I am?

I suppose I now need to divulge to you my little secret, I am the "one" who has, what my husband likes to call, the "magical little gift closet".
Yep, a closet dedicated solely to gifts I buy throughout the year!

I then dig through it, pull out a few precious little finds and debate whether or not the person in question would like said fabulous 'do-dad' I have in my hand.
You name it I got it for birthday, baby, wedding or x-mas. Gifts galore I got.

Guess how much stress I have alleviated from my life?

I used be the "one" who would round around town an hour before an event when I needed a gift, end up buying something out of pure desperation, spend much more then I had hoped and inevitably be later than I usually am to the party!?! AAh! (yeah yeah yeah, if you know me you have to factor in the "cib time.")
I have enough stress in my life as it is, no need for more.
Gift giving can be uber stressful for a lot of you right?
Well, let me tell you this has been a godsend for my quality of life.

How I got the idea to have a special gift closet?
Two wonderful people in my life. A gal pal & my Aunt. My post college roomie, lets call her 'Soccer-Chick', used to buy cards in bulk and keep them in a drawer for when she needed one or two or three...(you could always count on getting more than one sweet card from her too!)
And my aunt who told me years ago that she "collected gifts in a room" as well as gifts that she "would receive that weren't quite" her style and then of course would have gifts when she needed them. WOW. And then ultimately how much it saved her in time and money to just go into her "room" for a gift as needed.

Viola! And that is how my card drawer in bulk and magical gift closet were born.

I have saved oodles of dollars on affordable amazing gifts, bazillion minutes of precious festivus time, and several unwanted pounds from pumped up adrenals which inevitably created extra weight on my waistline...from having my prized "magical little gift closet".

PS. I LOVE giving gifts can you tell?

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